About Us

MLR Editorial BoardThe Maine Law Review is published twice annually by the students of the University of Maine School of Law. The Law Review contains case notes and comments written by our students on current legal problems, as well as articles by judges, professors, and practitioners on a variety of legal issues. Membership on the Law Review is by invitation based on academic performance and writing skills.

The Law Review provides students with an invaluable two-year research, editing, and writing experience that allows each to explore in-depth a legal issue of particular interest. Recent editions have contained student notes examining such diverse issues of Maine law as the preservation of judicial discretion in criminal sentencing, the equal protection implications of child adoption by same-sex couples, the scope of “public records” and privacy under Maine law, and the prudence of posthumous paternity testing for inheritance purposes.

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Maine Law Review
University of Maine School of Law
300 Fore Street
Portland, ME 04101