Maine Law Review Symposium
The Legacy of Senator Edmund Muskie
- Connecting Law and Legislature: The Legacy of Ed Muskie
Samuel J. Baldwin
Rediscovering Senator Edmund Muskie
The Honorable Kermit V. Lipez
Edmund S. Muskie: The Environmental Leader and Champion
Joel K. Goldstein
Edmund S. Muskie: A Man with a Vision
Leon G. Billings
Senator Edmund Muskie’s Enduring Legacy in the Courts
Richard J. Lazarus
Edmund Muskie’s Creative Federalism and Urban Development Today
Peter Pitegoff
Model Cities, Senator Muskie and Creative Federalism
Donald E. Nicoll
Urban Development Legislation for Cities, by Cities
Kellen Zale
The Legacy of Senator Edmund Muskie
Robert E. Hirshon
Legal Aid and Legal Services: An Overview
The Honorable Howard Dana
Remembering Ed Muskie: His Commitment and Contributions to Civil Access Justice
The Honorable Andrew M. Mead
Presidential Fiscal Accountability Following the Budget Act of 1974
Louis Fisher
The Road Less Travelled: The Maine Energy Cost Reduction Act, Economic Federalism, And A Modern Approach to Preemption Analysis Under the Natural Gas Act
Benjamin McCall
Are Your My Mother? A Critique of the Requirements for De Facto Parenthood in Maine Following the Law Court’s Decision in Pitts v. Moore
Samuel Johnson
Exhausted Yet? Stephens v. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the Application of the Exhaustion Doctrine to Statute-Based ERISA Claims
Carson D. Phillips-Spotts
State v. Lovejoy: Should Pre-Arrest, Pre-Miranda Silence be Admissible During the State’s Case-in-Chief as Substantive Evidence of Guilt?
Mark Rucci
What Constitutes “Custody” under Miranda?: An Examination of Maine’s Test as Applied in State v. Kittredge
Elizabeth Tull