Maine Law Review, Vol. 66, No. 1

Maine Law Review, Vol. 66, No. 1


Death, Taxes, and Property (Rights): Nozick, Libertarianism, and the Estate Tax

Jennifer Bird-Pollan

The Magic Mirror of “Original Meaning”: Recent Approaches to the Fourteenth Amendment

Bret Boyce

The State Response to Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier

Tyler J. Buller

Teaching the Smartphone Generation: How Cognitive Science Can Improve Learning in Law School

Shailini Jandial George

Election SLAPPs: Effective at Suppressing Political Participation
and Giving Anti-SLAPP Statutes the Slip

Leah McGowan Kelly

Book Review

More Than a Ramble: A Law Student’s Review of Hugh G. E. MacMahon’s Progress, Stability, and the Struggle for Equality: A Ramble Through the Early Years of Maine Law, 1820-1920

Christopher Harmon


Allocating Power: Toward a New Federalism Balance for Electricity Transmission Siting 

Kevin Decker

The Post-Crawford Rise in Voter ID Laws: A Solution Still in Search of a Problem

David M. Faherty

Of Asthma and Ashtrays: Examining the Rights of and Exploring Ways to Protect Maine Tenants Living in Multi-Unit Rental Housing Who are Involuntarily Exposed to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke in Their Homes

Amy K. Olfene

Case Notes

Personal Jurisdiction in the Data Age: MacDermid v. Deiter’s Adaptation of International Shoe Amidst Supreme Court Uncertainty

Ryan Almy

Fuhrmann v. Staples Office Superstore East, Inc.: A Split in the Law Court as to the Definition of “Employer” Demonstrates the Need for Legislative Action to Amend the Maine Human Rights Act in Order to Protect Maine Employees

Stephen B. Segal